January 25, 2010

Disease Gone! Now, Moving On To Bigger And Better Things!

So, I'm feeling fine and dandy today.
Wanna know why?
I got a second job. You know, because I want to have no social life whatsoever. Doesn't every teenager want that?
I'm hoping I'll be able to balance my extremely full plate of extra-curricular classes and activities and drill team and job #1 and the boyfriend and...
Oh this should be interesting.
A bit of an experiment, perhaps?
We shall see!

January 21, 2010



No fun, no fun at all.

January 5, 2010

Birth Control With Teenagers

Alright, I'm about to get rather personal with you people. If there are people. I wouldn't know because no one ever leaves comments. If only...
Well, here goes. I have ovarian cysts, which isn't a big deal or anything, but it makes that time of the month absolute hell for me (and my parents, for that matter). I've tried loading up on Advil before it gets bad, heat packs, blah blah blah whatever. Nothing works. I'm still down for a good 4 hours. Which, in my hectic teenager schedule, is no bueno. So, awhile ago, I proposed getting a birth control pill, solely for these stupid cysts. My dad is under the impression that if I were to get birth control, I will automatically become a hoe and start humping anything that moves. (That is not what would go down, thank you very much.) I see no problem with a 16-year-old taking birth control, whether it be for cysts or sex or any other shenanigans.
Is it better to have your daughter protected from all the lovely happenings associated with maturity, or shall we just sweep that subject under the table?

And, because I'm seeing this subject come up; No, I am not religious. So commence the biting off of my head.

January 2, 2010

What Other Shenanigans Can I Get Myself Into?

So, in America, at age 18, you can
1. Buy cigarettes. Ew.
2. Buy porn.
3. A plethora of other things that a 16-year-old such as myself cannot legally do.
So, why can't you legally drink at 18?
If you can serve your country, I'm pretty sure you should be able to have a celebratory beer. Yes, this is a teenager's opinion, but honestly, its not like all the 18-year-olds you know aren't drinking already. Yeah, yeah, bad logic. But really, what's the problem?

I really would love some feedback on this one. I know its a short post, but let me know what your opinion is. Thanks lovelies :D